Marriage Isn't for You: It's for the One You Love

15 March 2010

An Open Letter to the Spouses and Loved Ones of Our Military...

Dear Families,

I wanted to take this opportunity to offer my thanks and gratitude for the sacrifice that you are making for our country as your loved ones go to serve in our nation’s military. We are so blessed to live in a free nation and for this gift, we owe thanks to all our military men and women for service years past, present and future.

We are indebted to your children who must be separated from their parents during this time. It is not easy to explain to a six year old or a sixteen year old, much less a sixty year old parent or grandparent why this needs to be. I have been through this and I know what you are going through. It is more than companionship. It is the daily things that we often take for granted. This person who plays with the children, mows the grass, repairs the car, cooks the meals, does the housework and the laundry, runs the carpool for school, volunteers in the community, walks a restless baby at night and the many more things they do on a regular basis. This is the person that is so missed and so needed.

You and they are in my daily prayers for a speedy and safe return back to their homes of love and support. May God Bless you and bless each and everyone of them.

Love, Hugs and Butterfly Kisses,
A military Mom, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Cousin and Proud ex-wife...

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